Can I just say a quick hello and welcome to blog followers 31 and 32 (hello) I have been on 30 for ages and it always ridiculously exciting for me when my membership goes up. I love you all thanks for caring about my life.
It has been a while since I have shared some of the unsexy elements of porning with you guys and thought it was about time to let you in on some nice boring day to day mundainity and panic. There is of course the day to day task of trying to secure bookings, edit video and fight with billing companies over how it takes two days to check two pictures have been removed for a single web page, but there is one burden that never disappears - I am of course talking about pubic hair.
Pubic hair is a controversial subject and as I proved in my mini questionnaire a few months back, most people feel very strongly either way. Actually that's not quite true, there were quite a few happy people who love me how ever I am but the ones at either end of the argument felt very strongly about things indeed.
Producers of porn who need the hair are not in numbers larger enough for most girls to stay hairy full term and as a result most producers who prefer hair, have learned to live with out it, leaving those who are sickened by the mention of it happy to shoot most girls. I have got around this issue by having a yearly grow and getting around as many hairy people as I can in a few months, before heading back to smooth vill. I can do this as I tend to grow very quickly, having very thick dark hair (some of you just gipped, while the rest felt a twinge of excitement) and can pull off a wide coverage quite quickly meaning I don't have to wait months and months to satisfy.
Why do I mention this at all then, my life is sorted yes, well not quite. The down side to this fast thick bush is that it means I am prone to shaving rashes, something Abby Winters FORBIDS and I have an open booking with them as soon as I can make my current rash vanish. I have done a loose study of female hair and have come to the conclusion that the hotter the country a model is from the less hair she has to deal with down there and the less shaving problems she has - I base this on asking all the Australians I have met through AW, who all seem to have a natural just waxed finish constantly. I know from talking to staff that shaving rash has only become a real problem since they headed to colder Europe, as we European models need to be able to protect ourselves from a hearty frost. Its so frustrating though as in order to prevent myself from further reddening I have had to stop shaving. This in turn means no one in the UK will shoot me as I am not hairy enough and to hairy in the same breath. So I need to heal and shoot before I run out of money for food, then way up if its worth waiting the extra week or so for it to be long enough to wax or to fuck it and shave ? I haven't worn pants all week and have spent as much time as possible with nothing touching that area to try and stop the area getting worried.
A few people on the Aw board have complained about the amount of stubble that has been turning up on the site and the above ramble is why, we just cant risk shaving ourselves smooth as there's a chance we may be turned away when we get there (something that happened to me and Satine when we first went over) and so if we aren't already fully grown stubble is what your gonna get.
This has led to a strange chore this week and a terrible loss on my part - I have lost the ability to bath! Baths are right up there in my list of favourite things to do, a good bath takes at least two hours, involves a good book, chocolate and lots of very hot steamy water and bubbles! When I used to live in a shared house I'd have to go and tell everybody before I was having a bath so they could all have a wee before I stole the bath room for a few hours and inevitably someone would be laid up somewhere with everything crossed long before I finished. But this week I lost the power to sit and soak, its gone! I just cant get comfortable holding a book any more and my head becomes to sleepy in the steam to function but is to awake to just lie there and be. Not the biggest problem till you add the rash back in. Hot baths are a good way of taking down the swelling and another model recommended that I try crushing paracetamol with a little water and putting that on the area for ages while in the bath - that's a skill all by itself, you need to use a bubble bath bottle to rest on so that part of your body is raised out of the water while the rest of you can stay nice and warm and relaxed within it. I think its working but you know me I'm a hypochondriac and it works both ways, I'm worried I may be seeing this work simply because I want it to.
I have been a good girl though I'm not sat doing nothing I promise. The website is obliviously still a top priority although as you may have guessed from the beginning of this post we are having trouble getting the last page check for some reason! We have done everything in our power to nag the hell out of these people but it will now be a Monday launch which is a pain in the ass but means first week will have lots of updates in it as we are now a week behind ourselves.
I have also started going through all of the AIR producers seeking work, a task I under go every year and its a huge job as there are pages and pages of producers to go through. The admin of the site does offer a service where by he will forward on a set message to all the members but I prefer to tailor each message depending on what the producer needs, there's no point me sending my b/g work over to someone who only does spanking or solo and visa verse. Maybe I'm just a sucker for doing things the hard way, I miss work. Many people may seen this as an easy job because of all the spare time you get but its horrible. Cabin fever sets in quicker than you think, as does this inner lazy child that wants to just give up and do nothing. My ideal life would be one in which I get to work every week at least twice so my free time can get back that, earned novelty feel.
Well that's me up to date with you. I'm so sorry the sites late, everything is sat ready we just need that last tick in a box. Hope you all had/ are having a good weekend and I hope to have better news Monday x
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