Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wax and uniforms in Wales

It cost £5.70 to get into Wales! Don't get me wrong it's a lovely bridge and I appreciate its very long and no doubt complex and expensive to look after but really, £570! The local bridge council are very cunning, they know this will upset people. Once I had passed over this very very expensive bridge thinking how overly priced it was, I came to a booth containing the nicest most stereotypical welsh man they could find  'Hello my love' (but in a welsh accent) was all it took to get a huge forgiving smile on my face, Welsh people are so friendly and charming!

I went to Cardiff in order to shoot with the lovely Dave who had me in giggles all day and this is part one of what we got up to while I was there.

After that quick warm up he told me that he was interested in shooting something I would enjoy and was thrilled when I said yes, I was defiantly up for a bit of light bondage! I love the feeling of rope enclosing my body especially when it pulls on my crotch slightly with every slight breath and if left alone my mind can really work though some of my fantasies with the extra prop.

I have put the full video and all the pictures from that day on my adult work page so please go and check it all out as and when you are able. The great thing about working with Dave is that he is happy to shoot whatever I want so if you have any suggestions on what should be going on my very neglected adult work pages then please let me know.

My adultwork page

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