Just after I filmed the first part of today's video a man parked in front of me in a van, left the passenger door open and took a HUGE piss! My first thought was aren't men nasty (said in a Manchester accent), my second thought was aren't men cleaver. He was using the door of the van to stop the wind blowing the piddle on his trousers. He realised I was there just at the end and looked a bit sheepish. After walking up the street to compose himself he tapped on my window and asked me to confirm where he was (which was VERY obvious by the big road signs) and apologised. Isn't that lovely that he felt the need to say something- hello accidental pissing in public person. I just re read that passage and realised that to any male reader that all probably seems as obvious a thing to do as always opening doors before walking through them.
I have had so much fun today . The girls were all lovely and Amy cracked us all up when she refereed to Satine and her agency as Sparkles! We did two photo sets, an office one where we were fighting to please the boss and some girls having a naught Ann Summers style party. I'm sorry the camera is at the wrong angle for the second video, I put it up on the sly as people always act a bit differently when they know its there, so couldn't check to see if it was OK. I think its quite a nice snap shot off how today went though so left it in - giggles, girls and grins yay!
A quick word must go out to Poppy who was her usual charming self and all the girls have taken pictures with her. I will collect all the photos in the next few days and stick them up. Poppy was a star and slept through all the shooting. She is currently next to me on the sofa inside one of my jumpers.
Id better get to bed now I have to be in Newcastle by 12 tomorrow.
Sleep well every body xxx
Grr I have never moaned about anybody through here but I have just got a really shirty e-mail from someone and its made me angry - you know when you get that lump of adrenaline I'm your chest and it sits there, I hate that feeling. The guy advertised for bj models. I asked if it was being published and said if it was id be interested. He then mailed me back a confusing e-mail that I took to mean he was happy for me to publish it so I declined as he had no website. He then said he did publish things so I asked where. Which led to this -
On further reflection, this is unduly complex and a little too demanding for me, gives me a bad vibe about how it would progress. So thanks for the offer but I'm going to pass.
This was an offer of work, so it's illogical that I'm effectively being asked to audition.
I mailed him back explaining why models like to view sites to check levels and legitimacy and he suddenly remembered we had spoken before and that he only published on clip sites so I had declined in the past.
Now I am not angry because he publishes on clip sites and doesn't have a main site, lots of people do I just don't do that style of work, lots of people shoot high fashion I don't shoot with them either, doesn't mean its a bad thing to do, just not my thing.
Nor am I angry that he no longer wishes to try and book me
What I mind is that it took 9 e-mails for him to tell me what he wanted footage for and then he got shirty when I asked reasonable questions that arguably tripped him up. Why cant people just be upfront about with exactly what they want, there's always someone willing to do it.
This is one of the reasons I am so happy to have the Abby Winters work as it now means I don't have to look for work all the time and play these sorts of games for a living. It starts to get to you after a while some people need 4 e-mails a day before a shoot and lots of texts and phone calls which can get really tiring and I have been scammed by two guys who were 'definatly starting sites' and never did which really upsets me because they cheated me into doing escorting really. Don't get me wrong here porn is great, has treated me well and been fun but people don't half do things the long and hard way - ha check me out punning. Its like all these Amsterdam housing adverts I'm wading through, if its a house share fine but maybe put that in your advert.
Ok rant over, house mate is back so I can lock up and go to bed happy.
Love you all byeeeeeeeeeeeeee xx
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