Monday, September 12, 2011

Babes on Bikes

Yesterday we finally went and got ourselves some bikes! Gaz, Imp and Ethel are now tucked away in our lock up, ready to make my bum go all fabulous, my thighs hopfuly to just go and to save me money as I wont have to pay for any more trams.

If you ever need a bike go to the pirate bike people, they were lovely and so helpful. I am now the proud owner of a second hand bike for 99 euro and I got them to put a crate on the front so Poppy will be able to ride up front when she's over. Now I have not been on a bike since I was 15 and its alot lot harder as an adult for some reason. Riding home yesterday (especially once the crate was on as it made the balance go all funny) I was convinced I was going to get hurt. If it had been just me on the road i'd have been fine but every time someone wizzed past  i'd panic and wobble and then start to fall. I ran into a very understanding group of 6 women in town and a man crashed into me while I was waiting to cross the road near the park!

More worryingly was how saddle sore I was this morning. I think years of horse riding saved me from the full dose of pain I was supposed to have, as my bum has built up a nice tolerance ( all the spanking shoots probably haven't hurt either) but ooh my poor crotch is all bruised!
Still as every good horse rider knows if things go wrong get straight back on and i'm very glad we did, riding to the shops and back this morning I felt alot safer than yesterday.
The true test will come in rush hour tomorrow - take a good look at my face and try and rememebr it that way as I cant promise it will be remaining in that shape for long :) xxxx

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