Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In a good place

It suddenly dawned on me while cycling home that i'm either a very sad person or a very lucky one - how so I hear you cry. Well porn is both my job and my hobby.

I love porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To begin with I got to experience the vain exstacy of being a free lance model, driving up and down the country having sex on camera, trying out everything, discoving new sexual kinks while getting a wider chance to explore the ones I suspected I had. Then I started to do camera work for Red Hot Tv and Daves Young Sluts and was allowed to throw my own creative slant on things, and I loved that to. There is nothing greater than having a sexual kink in your head and then engenering a shoot so that other people can visualise what has pleased me in my mind. The ideas I would wank to in my head are now out there for other people to share and wank to. Its amazing when you think about it. And now in my old age I find myself working for one if not the greatest erotica companies, helping to create award winning porn! On top of that I have VOU and Masie Dees Diaries sat in the corner waitin for me to find time, I am in porn heaven.

The thing is I am also very very greedy. I need all of it to be happy, some is not enough. When I am at AW they get my all, I work my balls off for them and am very very happy to do so as the emotinal rewards are huge and its a fantastic environment to be in, it's almost enough. But there is this part of me that misses the thrill of being in the lights, I need it, i'm happily the vainest person I know and am very proud of this characteristic. What happens at AW stays at AW, they are masters of their art and I aint telling but porn me, she's prettty damn good at her stuff all on her own and still wants to use her holidays to  perform.

On that note. Do you remember that I went to shoot for Teen Sex Gang just before I left England? Well they have sent me some pictures to share with you, what do you think? I should have a few more to stick up during the week xx


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