Sunday, November 6, 2011

For Gary - A Masie site

Well you asked me t try and find more porn so here ya go. I do appreciate that lots of you are here for the sex more than the day to day me. I am in a bit of a catch 22 position at the moment. I as getting a bit old for porn so started to look to my future and abby winters were kind enough to take me in. This means I am on the one hand no longer panicing about how I am going to feed myself and pay my bills every month. I aso no longer have seepless nights worrying about the future. However on that second hand I now have a full on full time job in the wrong country so finding and fitting porn is getting hard. Don't go leaving me I love porn, I need to be performing but I aso need to work on my time managment a bit so I can sot it into my life on a more regular bases agn. Saying tha this post could be the answer . . .

The offical Masie site is up but its not quite running properly so I am relucant to plug it just yet. Its looking really good we just haven't sorted out regualr updates etc and I dont want you to think I am messing you about. However they have put up a mini peviw site which I am more than happy to share. I am in touch with the site owners and hope we can sort this out soon so I can tell you all about it as I am quite excited about some of the videos.

The general theme of the site is the diary of a sexual deviant in her day to day life. There's quite alot of solo work on the site as I do tend to wank alot and when ever the chance came up for me to do something with cock I have jumped at the chance.

I am due to start making some more videos for the site soon. If you have any requests for the sort of things you would like to see then please let me know.

Take a look see what you think. xxx

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