Very excited Masie here. I have just checked in to see how many DVDs I have out at the moment (I know very vain, it's because someone came round and asked if we had ever googled ourselves). I have two new dvds out and they are scenes I have been wanting to see for AGES!!!
The first is a scene I did in my first year of porn. I got to shoot in a school uniform (my favourite) and the scene was with Stefan Hard who is one of the loveliest funniest people you could hope to meet (and I think he looks like Vinnie Jones).
Plot wise innocent young me goes to have hypno therapy, off the top of my head I think it was to help me with my sex addiction . Once under I am told to perform various sex acts and I loved them all. Once he is done Dr Hard disapears at which point I am found by a passing man. Realising that I am in a trans he quickly does what many would do and whips his dick out for a cheeky blow job.
You can check out the scene here
The second DVD is from a TV X show I was in. It was a spin off from 'Bitch in a Box' in which men could order a sexy slave who was delivered in box straight to the door. We had mad hot sex over just about everything before I was put back in the box ready to post on to the next man. That scene was the first big shoot I booked and Pascal White one of the first famous porn stars I ever worked with. The sex was exactly my kind of sex. I know its not for everyone but in the right safe situation I love being used and abused - that was the first time anyone had ever spat on me and I loved it. I was fucked by the end of it. As it was for televison we had to record the scene twice as they needed a hard edit for the website and then a soft edit for the tv. The sex the performers do is always exactly the same but the camera man wont get shots of the errect penis for a soft edit - sex can be implied on Tv but you cant show penetration. I have no idea how I got through the sexond round I was fucked after the first one and couldnt move, I just sat on the sofa distroyed!
We shot in an old ware house and it was freezing. They had an industrial heater that looked like a jet engine but we had to switch it off when the camera was on as it was just to loud.Andi Ide filmed it and he is a legend all by himself all in all I was very happy.
So I was thrilled to be asked for the spin off which is now on DVD. Exactly the same but this time a boot not a box. I was a bit sad as by the time we made the second one the law had changed - the violent pornography act had come in. This meant that we could no longer get away with what took place in the first film. In the first one we just had sex and I acted as a willing slave. He did what ever he wanted and we had rough hard sex with lots of trash talk on his part - some times in Flemish!
Second time around I had to give verbal concent throughout which kept breaking the mood and made the sex less fun. I did however still love the premisi and the boys were still the relaxed amazing team they were the first time around. I was pleased that my scene has been given a full star rating and im so curious to see how it looks.
You can see it here .
I know I say this alot but oneday I want to own all the DVDs I am in and these two are now top of the list of what I want thave. I have all my abbywinters dvds bar the newet one, the stuff I did for nylon stocking sluts, the amazing middle england doco I was in (thanks, that one was a present) and thats it. I used to have the two gang bang dvds I did for Rebel but they got stollen when we were broken into.
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