Sunday, January 15, 2012

Somthing cute, something kinky and some hard core action

Today's blog is coming in three parts.You know yourself what you like so only visit the sections that are relevant to you.

Something Cute

Poppy was in a dog fight today! I felt so bad for her as for once this wasn't her fault and she did everything right.

When it comes to being around people Poppy is the best dog in the world but she has always suffered from small dog syndrome when around other dogs. I remember taking her to puppy classes and she would sit in the far corner shivering when ever another dog came near her and would snap and yelp if they tried to interact with her. The stables where I kept my horse luckily had a lovely Jack Russel called Liter - she was a brillient mother who had already had several litters of pups and she new exactly what to do. She was Poppys first ever friend, they used to run around the sand school for hours playing with each other.

These days Poppy is still hit and miss with other dogs and will snap at around 7/10 dogs we meet. She is purley a vocal dog and all she really wants to do is get aways from the situation and protect me. So its always extra sad when Poppy acts like a nice dog and things still go wrong as it hardly re inforces the message of nice behaviour being worth the effort.

We were out on a dirt track and we saw another Terier like dog coming our way, who was also off their lead. I asked Poppy to sit and wait which for once she did. The other dog came closer and laid down about 2 meters in front of us - this is usually a  sign of a submissve dog. I walked forward and told Poppy to come and look, she did so but very shyly. They met sniffed, tails wagged then the other dog went for her snarlling and barking. Poppy replied and it turned into a scrap. Now good advise says never put your hands in between two fighting dogs so I did the next best thing and kicked Poppy to get her away from the other dog. I went for Poppy as its rude to kick other peoples dogs as you never know how they will react (or the other dog for that matter) and I had my boots on. Poppy once kicked away stopped and looked guilty. Saddly the other dog then set on her again and this time the other dogs owner had to drag her dog off while apologising.

We moved on and I appologised to Poppy the best way I know how - by producing a tenis ball. Two minutes later her adrenaline had run out and she started limping. I think she is just stiff but she is currently looking very sorry for herself snuggled up to Kylie on the sofa.

A little kink

Im an idiot I forgot loads of toys! I have a giant pink bush basher, my sexy pink love chair, a small pink little vibratr, my black sticky toy and my little silver toy.  

On to the hard core

Heres a little teaser if you want to see the video in full please click here to my adultwork page.

Warning the following video contains pubes! 

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